

This is a site about The Good News – a message that has impacted your life.  Whether we know it or not, we all have been radically affected by this News.  It led to the creation of books (rather than scrolls), words separated by spaces, punctuation, upper and lower case lettering, universities, hospitals and even orphanages.

But even more fundamentally, this News profoundly changed the way people viewed themselves, others, life, death and God.  The Good News was known as The Gospel. It has won the allegiance of the hearts and minds of many.

For many Asians though, the word Gospel does not usually convey good news to their minds.  Many of us associate it with European culture and perhaps even their colonialism.  It is not that we are antagonistic to the Gospel, but rather we do not understand it much.  With our busy lives we have not had the time to consider what this News is all about.

The Good News is the message of the Bible. This is an ancient book with a long history that many do not know very well. You might think this is the same as Christianity. However, this site is not about Christianity but the more ancient message that goes back to the beginning of human history, long before Christianity came about.

This is why we put this site together – to provide the opportunity to understand the Gospel in its Biblical story.  You may want to start with my story with the Gospel. Or perhaps look at the beginning of the Biblical story with Made in the Image of God.  If you wonder what the difference between the Good News of the Bible and Christian practices are, take a look here. This is one of the many questions this website sponsors.

I hope you will browse around, take time to assess, and participate in considering the Gospel.